Violinist Fu-Jung
Taiwanese violinist Fu-Jung Yu is a creative musician who is completing his doctoral degree at the University of North Texas. As a musician who travels out of the country, Fu-Jung participates in many musical events around the world and tries to share his musical harvest from abroad with his home country.
Fu-Jung showed musical sensitivity from his childhood and started to learn to play the violin when he was five. However, his musical path wasn’t as straight as other musicians. Taiwanese people have to decide their vocation in senior high school. In that time Fu-Jung decided to be a meteorologist in the future, so he gave up the violin and worked hard to get in to the National Center University, which has the best atmospheric science department in Taiwan. However, when he finally achieved his goal, he started to feel confused with his decision. He didn’t like the lifestyle as being a meteorologist, and he couldn’t feel achievement when spending all day analyzing meteorological data. During the most frustrating moment of his life, he picked up his violin again and started over to practice violin.
After realizing his interest and passion are in music, Fu-Jung started his mandatory military service after he graduated. During one year’s service in the army, Fu-Jung kept practicing violin and audited music-history and music-theory courses, and finally he got a second-violin position in the Nation Ministry of National Defense Symphony Orchestra, which is the best orchestra in Taiwan’s military.
For pursuing more of his potential, Fu-Jung decided to go to the Boston Conservatory for his Master of Music degree. He was active in musical events and festivals and played as an orchestra member; including the Indian Hill Symphony Orchestra, Concertmaster in the Boston Conservatory Symphony Orchestra and Assistant Principal in Napa Valley Music Festival. His track also covered in Europe, including Principal Second Violin in the Prague Summer Night Symphony Orchestra.
In the summer of 2019, Fu-Jung received an invitation from his alma mater, National Center University for sharing his experience about changing major and giving a concert for sharing western music.
Now Fu-Jung is completing his doctoral degree at the University of North Texas. Outside the school, Fu-Jung is a violin teacher, an orchestral player who performs with Plano Symphony Orchestra, Monroe Symphony Orchestra, New Texas Sinfonia, and San Angelo Symphony Orchestra, working on holding a concert series to bring Taiwanese music to the American public, and looking for crossing-field cooperation partners and relationships.